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(二)工作时间:全职,周一至周五08:30-12:00, 14:30-17:30.(休息安排同公务员一致)























联系地址:清远市清城区赢之城东北门三楼 广东大观律师事务所


C:UsersAdministratorDesktop招宣图片H522AX5 (2).png

Guangdong Daguan Law Firm·Team Feng Kong


  1. Team Introduction

    Team Feng Kong consists of five practicing lawyers (licensed Bar) and one attorney assistant. There are three attorneys practicing in legal services for more thanfive years. The Team focuses on nonlitigation services and specifically aimsat risks control, namely annual legal consultant service, legal services forspecial items (including Construction and Real Estate, Finance, Securities,Insurance, Intellectual Property and etc.), criminal nonlitigation services, offering legal opinions, lawyer’s letter, lawyer’s written attestation, business consulting and investigating services and so on.

    The Team implements the fineness for workforce division and professional construction, and is committed to providing customers with more professional, more premium, more efficient non-litigation legal services. Meanwhile, the Team is devoted themselves to providing a comprehensive and detailed legal analysis to each client for every project and case, implementing a smooth communication mechanism, and offering practical and executable legal advice. When litigation is required, the Team dedicates to solve problems in all aspects, through the real-time communication and cooperation with other litigation team of the Firm.Therefore, the Team is deeply trusted by the clients.

    As a legalconsultant, the Team has totally served more than 60 government departments andenterprises, and currently provides the annual legal consultant services for 46 departments and companies. Among them, there are 13 government departments and administrative functional institutions, 3 social welfare institutions, 6 real estate and construction engineering companies, 3 power engineering enterprises, 9 investment and trade enterprises, 2 food and medical enterprises, 2 corporate legalpersons, 2 mining companies, 2 agricultural companies, and 2 individuals and other types of companies. The team keeps up with the times and always maintainsgreat enthusiasm and passion for conducting indepth research on law andemerging issues in various industries. It strives to provide all clients with more accurate, professional and comprehensive legal services.

  2. Leader Introduction

    Attorney Kong Xianghui, the leader of Team Feng Kong, is as well as the vice director of Daguan Law Firm. Attorney Kong was appointed as Deputy Secretary General of Qingyuan Lawyers’ Association, and he was also the Commissioner of Qingyuan Lawyers’Association General Branch Committee of the CPC for a long time. Now he is the secretaryof the General Branch Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Commissioner of Qingyuan Lawyers Industry Committee of CPC, the Commissioner of Guangdong Lawyers’Association Continuing Education Working Committee, the General Secretary of Qingyuan Neutral Law Service Committee, Deputy Director of Qingyuan Lawyers’ Association LegalAdvisory Committee, the Commissioner of Qingyuan Lawyers’ Association Publicity and Training Working Committee, the Commissioner of Qingyuan Lawyers’Association Disciplinary Working Committee, and the Commissioner of Qingyuan Lawyers’ Industrial Federation of Trade Unions.

    Since practicing law in 2012, Attorney Kong has already served more than 60 government departments and enterprises as the annual legal consultant. He has handled a greatnumber of litigation and non-litigation cases and accumulated a wealth ofexperience and skills in legal advisory service. He has so much unique experience, efficient thinking methods and special handling skills which help to effectively avoid legal risks and economic losses. Therefore, Attorney Kongis deeply trusted and well-known by clients.

  3. Recruitment Position: Assistant, Trainee, Professional Lawyer

    (1)    Workplace: Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City

    (2)    Time: Full time, Mon-Fri 08:30-12:00,14:30-17:30.

    (Resting arrangements are consistent with civil servants)

    (3)    Salary: Negotiable

    (4)    Requirements:

    1)     LLB or above;

    2)     Obtaining a legal professionalqualification certificate;

    3)     Be responsible, patient and begood at teamwork;

    4)     With good expression skills,writing skills, organizational and coordinative skills, and interpersonalcommunication skills.

    (5)    Job description:

    1)       be responsible for drafting andreviewing the contracts and suchlike;

    2)       be responsible for handling thelegal issue related to the serving organizations;

    3)       participating in relatedlitigation and arbitration;

    4)       assisting team members tofinish the teamwork;

    5)       No restrictions on individualcases except for finishing the teamwork first.

  4. Daily Routine

    research the most meaningful cases

    study the most typical precedents

    taste the most delicious dishes

    watch the most charming movies

    do the most energetic sports

    be yourself with much value

  5. Contact Us

    If you are interested in Daguan Feng Kong and want to know moreabout us, please contact us through WeChat (ID: 13413480380). It would be muchappreciated that you send us your Resume through WeChat or Email dgfengkong@foxmail.com.

    Tel: 0763-3368482

    Add: Guangdong Daguan Law Firm, 3rd floor,

       Northeast Gate, Yingzhicheng ShoppingCenter,

       Qingcheng, Qingyuan,

       Guangdong, China

  6. <More information in Chinese please scan the code above>